#ArtistTherapy: There Are No Guarantees

Praise and prizes may not always lead to publication, and it can even cause one to hit a wall when it seems like a natural conclusion. But--and you'll hear this word a lot--perseverance even after the downfalls are what will help with the distinction between success and dropping out.

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#ArtistTherapy: Residencies, are they for you?

Needing space and time away is natural for the creative process. One way to get this is residencies, applying for them or making your own.

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#ArtistTherapy: Filling a Niche & Expectation

There's an expectation, a niche, in the artistic world and sometimes you fill it because you love it and often times you may not. What it comes down to is your passion and not filling others' expectations of what you "should" be creating.

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#ArtistTherapy: Subjectivity Can Be Hard to Understand

While I've always known art was subjective I didn't truly realize how much so until I started querying agents and saw that word come up repeatedly in form responses or feedback. The world is subjective and you have to figure out where you fit in but also why you produce the art you do.

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#ArtistTherapy: Tortoise & the Hare (Things Take Time)

Slow. Fast. These are words that can set all kinds of insecurities off as an artist. People create when they create and it's done when it's done. Doesn't mean the pressure, or hope, to finish in a speedy amount of time isn't there. But, try to remember: no pressure.

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