My Weekend Cupcake Tour

Having done walking food tours with friends I asked my buddy Kim if she wanted to partake in a cupcake tour with me and she agreed. This is a summary of our eats and my thoughts on said eats.

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A Word on Readings...

After discussing pros and cons of being an audience member at a reading I wanted to suggest three things to think about when you pursue reading your work to a larger audience.

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Artist Residency Withdrawal: Re-entering society after living the dream

Reacclimating myself with life post-residency. Not the easiest thing to do and it took weeks to retrieve the steady stride I had before I left. One cannot lose sight of what we do at a residency, but should also know that when you return to your element that you will have to get back into a routine if you want to be successful.

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"Coming to America": A Classic Piece of African-American Cinema

In watching "Coming to America" again as an adult I was able to appreciate the nuances of characters and plot development, something, when looking at current African-American films, is often lost on the screen. In the midst of all the genres of film and in looking back at how original African-American film was only ten or twenty years ago, it's amazing to find that so few films are original, daring, and intune with society or smart enough to know how to mock it.

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